Welcome to ECO-NETWORK!
We’re thrilled to have you join our vibrant community of players! ECO-NETWORK is not just any Minecraft server—it’s a place where competition, creativity, and camaraderie come together in an exciting Lifesteal game mode. Whether you’re here to battle, explore, or build alliances, we want everyone to enjoy their time on the server.
To make sure everyone has the best possible experience, we’ve established a set of rules that promote fairness, respect, and fun. By following these guidelines, you help keep ECO-NETWORK an awesome place for both new players and seasoned veterans.
Our Philosophy:
We believe in creating a community where players can thrive, learn, and grow while competing in a fair and friendly environment. These rules are designed to protect your gameplay experience, promote healthy competition, and ensure everyone can have fun.
By being a part of our server, you’re agreeing to follow these rules. Please take a moment to read them carefully, and if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our staff or join our Discord for quick assistance.
Thank you for choosing ECO-NETWORK, and let’s create something incredible together!
Happy Crafting, Battling, and Exploring!
To keep the ECO-NETWORK server a fun and positive place for everyone, we ask that all players follow the guidelines below when communicating in chat. Violating these rules may result in a warning, mute, or ban depending on the severity of the offense.
1. No Spamming or Flooding
- Do not send the same message repeatedly, in quick succession, or use excessive caps. This includes commands, promotional content, and character spam.
2. No Advertising
- Do not advertise other Minecraft servers, websites, Discords, or any external links in chat without permission from the server staff.
3. No Hate Speech or Harassment
- Racism, sexism, homophobia, discrimination, or any form of offensive language or harassment will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
4. Keep It PG (No Inappropriate Content)
- Please avoid swearing, sexual content, or discussions that are inappropriate for a public gaming community. ECO-NETWORK is a family-friendly environment.
5. No Personal Attacks or Trolling
- Do not insult, bully, or provoke other players intentionally. Keep chat respectful and avoid starting arguments or conflicts.
6. No Sharing Personal Information
- For your safety, do not share personal information like your full name, address, phone number, or any other sensitive data.
7. English-Only in Public Chat
- To ensure clear communication for all players, please use English in public chat channels. You’re free to use other languages in private messages or specific chat rooms.
8. No Begging for Ranks or Items
- Do not beg for ranks, items, or in-game currency. Please respect the server’s economy and progression systems.
9. No Staff Impersonation
- Do not impersonate staff members or claim to have special permissions that you do not have. If you need help, ask staff respectfully.
10. Report Rule Breakers Properly
- If you see someone breaking the rules, use /report [player] [reason] or contact a staff member via Discord. Do not argue or call out offenders in public chat.
We want ECO-NETWORK to be a safe, enjoyable place for everyone. Following these chat rules helps ensure that the community remains respectful and fun for all players. Let’s keep the chat clean, friendly, and welcoming!
ECO-NETWORK Gameplay Rules
To ensure fair play and an enjoyable experience for everyone, please follow these gameplay rules while playing on the ECO-NETWORK server. Breaking these rules will result in warnings, temporary bans, or permanent bans depending on the severity of the violation.
1. No Cheating or Hacking
- Description: Using cheats, hacks, or unauthorized modifications (such as X-ray, auto-clickers, or fly hacks) to gain an unfair advantage is strictly prohibited.
- Punishment: Immediate permanent ban.
2. No Exploiting Bugs or Glitches
- Description: Abusing game bugs or glitches for personal gain, whether for items, currency, or bypassing gameplay mechanics, is not allowed. Always report bugs to staff.
- Punishment: First offense: Warning or temporary ban (7 days); Repeat offense: Permanent ban.
3. No Griefing Protected Areas
- Description: Destroying or modifying structures, land, or builds in protected areas is considered griefing. Respect other players’ builds and claims.
- Punishment: First offense: Temporary ban (7 days); Repeat offense: Permanent ban.
4. No Scamming Other Players
- Description: Do not scam players by misleading trades, deals, or unfairly taking items or currency. All trades must be fair and agreed upon by both parties.
- Punishment: First offense: Temporary ban (3 days) and return of scammed items; Repeat offense: Permanent ban.
5. No Kill-Farming or Stat-Boosting
- Description: Manipulating PvP or in-game mechanics to unfairly boost stats or collect kills is prohibited.
- Punishment: First offense: Stat reset and temporary ban (5 days); Repeat offense: Permanent ban.
6. Respect Land Claims & Boundaries
- Description: Do not build within or too close to another player’s claimed land without permission. Always respect other players' personal space.
- Punishment: First offense: Warning; Repeat offense: Temporary ban (3 days).
7. No Spawn Killing or Camping
- Description: Continuously killing or camping at a spawn point, making it impossible for other players to escape or enjoy the game, is not allowed.
- Punishment: First offense: Temporary ban (5 days); Repeat offense: Permanent ban.
8. No Abusing Server Economy
- Description: Do not exploit in-game systems, such as duping items or manipulating the economy in unfair ways that harm other players or the server.
- Punishment: First offense: Temporary ban (7 days) and rollback of exploited items; Repeat offense: Permanent ban.
9. No Alt-Account Abuse
- Description: Using alternative accounts (alts) to gain advantages like extra votes, farming, or bypassing punishments is prohibited.
- Punishment: First offense: Ban on alt account and warning on main; Repeat offense: Permanent ban on all accounts.
10. No DDoS Threats or Malicious Behavior
- Description: Threatening to DDoS, harm, or disrupt the server or any player in real life is treated with extreme seriousness.
- Punishment: Immediate permanent ban and potential report to authorities.
11. Follow Staff Instructions
- Description: Always follow the instructions given by staff members. Failure to cooperate with staff will lead to punishment.
- Punishment: First offense: Warning; Repeat offense: Temporary ban (3 days).
12. No AFK Farming
- Description: Using methods to farm resources, XP, or in-game currency while AFK (away from keyboard) is not allowed.
- Punishment: First offense: Temporary ban (3 days) and removal of farmed items; Repeat offense: Permanent ban.
Punishments and Appeals
We strive for fairness in enforcing these rules. Players who feel they’ve been unfairly punished can appeal their bans via our Discord or on the website’s appeal section. However, repeated offenses will result in harsher punishments, and permanent bans are not easily reversed.
Play fair, respect others, and enjoy your time on ECO-NETWORK!
— ECO-NETWORK Staff Team